The Ideology of the MEK

Appeasement in the MeK dictionary

Europe was being accused by the MeK aka MKO/PMOI leadership for appeasing with Iran, because it had placed her terrorist organization in the terrorist list, with the argument that Europe cannot lay away appeasement since it is willing to economic relationship with Iran…

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On the Formation and Survival of Terrorism

… The second group surviving pre-revolutionary armed warfare was Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCR, NLA). Mujahedin insisted to continue their armed strategy and rejected new rules as they had their own interpretation and analysis of the post-revolution era. They refused to deliver their weapons over to the newly formed regime and instead opened a front of controversy that led them to pursue their goals through violent means that eventually culminated to terrorism. The role of Pahlavi’s authoritarian and repressive regime for the birth of the two challenging groups, among many other armed groups, was inevitable …

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MKO Armed Warfare, an Ideological Necessity

Mojahedin-e Khalq strategy of armed struggle that constitutes its organizational infrastructure from its very formation has now confronted the organization with a new challenge in spite of its widespread propaganda to convince the West it has made revisions. Although the challenge has failed to break the deadlock over Mojahedin’s proceeding with its revolutionary diplomacy in the outside world…

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Rajavi, a devotee of the deviated

… Although the dispute over the acceptance of Islam or Marxism as the ideological infrastructure of the organization caused a schism in the organization with the consequent murder of Sharif-Vaqefi and emergence of the Marxist wing, it will be naïve to put all the blames just on Taqi Shahram and Bahram Aram as the opportunists that betrayed their comrades. …

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Reality Check: MKO Terrorist, Marxist

A quick search on MEK ideology, history and the official reports by international bodies, gives you the connotation that the group has not been founded on secular basis and its founders had not been inspired by a secular doctrine….Ali Safavi initially deals with the Marxist label on MEK. He claims that MEK/MKO/PMOI was founded as a “Muslim organization … and its founders sought a secular republic and establishment of a democracy in Iran.”(!)

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MKO; Ideology Vs Ideology – 2

Mujahedin Khalq Organization is the living instance of closed ideologies which fanatically sticks to its cult-like doctrine. Justifying all phenomena along with its objectives, MKO aka MEK/PMOI represents a thought of which the social function supposes the absolute right of understanding the truth for itself and never believes in exchanging, choosing or adapting other thoughts. ..

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MKO; Ideology Vs Ideology

Proud of their ideology and dedicated to their ideological revolutions, MEK (Mujahedin-e-Khalq )/MKO/PMOI leaders represent the most recent version of a criminal closed ideology believers who view their dissidents as victims who should be eliminated . They never see their opponents as a minority that they can tolerate or deal with moderately. ..

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Rajavi’s ideological purges

Instead of giving a convincing answer to the criticisms, Rajavi took a hostile stance and asserted that they were no longer MKO members while he had introduced them as the official representatives of the organization abroad a few weeks before. Finally, they published a book entitled “The process of separation” and therein they openly declared their separation from the organization and Rajavi.

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Ethics defined by the cult of Mojahedin

One of the prevalent issues in studies on cultic relations of MKO is to determine to what extent the group acknowledges application of ethics in its internal as well as external relations. A review of the manifesto and publications of the organization and their ontological viewpoints indicate that MKO tend to equate ethics with their political feelings and ambitions

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