Hamid Atabay pens letter to the Albanian PM

The honorable Prime Minister Edi Rama,
I am Hamid Atabay, a member of the non-religious non-political Association for the Support of Iranians Living in Albania (ASILA). When we were first relocated in Albania under humanitarian status, we were welcome by the Albanian government and people.

However, since last month, six of my friends in ASILA have been taken to the Karrec detention center by the immigration department. No reason has been stated for their detention. Their rights are violated in the camp. Just like me, my friends were relocated in Albania to save their lives but unfortunately, they are in jail now.
Please do not let our parents –who already believe that you are a sympathetic nation—no longer believe in it.

Hamid Atabay, a member of ASILA

CC: the head of the UNHCR office in Albania

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