Home » Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force » MEK’s American paid speakers, according to former child soldier

MEK’s American paid speakers, according to former child soldier

MEK's paid speakers

Mohammadreza Torabi, a former child soldier of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), once again confirmed the previous documents and narratives of Western journalists about the paid speakers of the group by publishing a document of the payment of a large amount of money to an American military general in exchange for a speech on behalf of the MEK.

The testimony of Mohammad Reza Torabi, as a former member of the Cult of Rajavi, who spent 18 years of his adolescence and youth in the cult, is one of the few types of evidence about the financial relations of the MEK from inside the group, considering that based on his testimonies, he was a translator for the political department of the MEK for 7 years.

In a post that Torabi published on May 19th, 2024, on his account on X platform, he announced that due to the support of some Western politicians for the MEK, he will post some of his content on social networks in English. At the same time, he pointed out that “no former western official supports the MEK without receiving money”.

Torabi then published a picture of the payment receipt to one of the American speakers at the meeting of the MEK, named General James Jones, and wrote: “These are just a few examples of paying money to Western figures to speak at the MEK meetings. American General James Jones was paid 92,000 pounds for ten minutes of speech and support for Rajavi and Camp Ashraf.”

The receipt was issued on May 13, 2013 by an organization called “Iranian Community Association” and based on that, an amount of 92,549 pounds was deposited into the bank account of a company called “Speaker Partners” which is responsible for providing speakers. In the explanation section of this receipt, it is stated that the above amount is allocated to General James Jones to speak at “an international event on Iran with particular focus on humanitarian legal and political solution to the plight of residents of Camp Ashraf/ Liberty”, which was scheduled to be held on June 22nd, 2013.

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