Iran, Iraq and People’s Mojahedin of Iran

PMOI or MEK, the People’s Mojahedin of Iran, military and sectarian organization protected by Saddam Hussein, had been unarmed after the fall of the dictator but kept warm by the troops of

The  rear-Advanced base of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), was besieged by Iraqi governmental forces.

the Anglo-Saxon occupation until July 28 2009, when the camp was taken over by Iraqi forces under the security agreement signed between Washington and Baghdad in November 2008.

In spring 2003, about 2,400 fighters trained and highly disciplined Mujahedeen had yet material offensive heavy artillery and tanks, providing a response force capable of operating independently to penetrate the Iranian territory as was the case during the offensive "Eternal Light" in summer 1988 launched just after the cease-fire
between Baghdad and Tehran.

Although it is designated as a terrorist organization, PMOI has openly, now more than ever, strong political support in European capitals.

Just like in Washington where remarkably organized and active lobbyists as the NCRI, the National Council of Resistance, serves as a showcase honorable organization for campaigns launched against the Islamic Republic. Their unofficial spokesman occupies an important place on the air Voice of America, whose broadcasts to Iran manage to escape, apparently, the classical interference.

Since even before the Revolution of 1979, when Zbgniew Brzezinski convinced President Carter to abandon Reza Shah, when it would betray an inclination to re-nationalization of oil, the U.S. had begun to support, even encourage terrorist activities of mujahideen-e Khalq in the prospect of establishing a "Republic of Iran oriented to federalism." A choice "federal" clearly preserved in the founding charter of the movement and whose implicit logic is that a collapse of the Iranian nation in autonomous provinces.
Regarding the apparent failure of U.S. policy over the last thirty years, in Iran and the region (a flop which also insist no further action), however, did not influence the U.S. administration for its objectives, or to waive or modify a project that somehow continues its cheerful way, making it gained new momentum with the opening of the nuclear weapons issue in 2004 through the PMOI / NCRI which is probably not a simple coincidence.

However, it seems that this is not purely humanitarian considerations which have prevailed only in the maintenance of troops, although unarmed,of PMOI in Iraqi Kurdistan, that until July 28, 2009 in the context of a "reorientation" U.S. policy towards Iran, while the Iraqi Parliament had voted for the evacuation of this basis since June 2007. The fact remains that the maintenance by the previous U.S. administration, an intervention force seasoned, albeit unarmed, but may be reactivated, is an aspect of the case that should be borne in mind. A supplementary force trained and disciplined, being able to remain operational by shorter delay, could, if necessary, participate in an attack on Iranian soil as was the case in 1989 shortly after the cease-fire between Iran and Iraq, although then the operation ended in a crushing defeat!

There is no reason that such an attempt might one day be repeated at a major military or political crisis or in case of conflict, similar to actions of PEJAK supported by the PPK, in order to open a diversion front on the west side of the security apparatus in Iran. This hypothesis is not absurd if one considers that other fastening operations could be triggered simultaneously, in the South, Khuzestan and in the East, Balochistan.

Besides, from Camp Ashraf, PMOI has long provided an important work of listening telecommunications Iranian (military and policies) for the Pentagon to continue the mission of intelligence made before 2003 in favor of the Baathist regime. PMOI also, through its networks and relays in the Western political class, possesses the ability to inject into the international media channels, information obtained through parallel channels such as NSA or the Shin Beth, allowing original sources, thereby, to remain in the shadows. A role of strategic intelligence collector, but, equally important, activity broadcaster, relay and echo chamber, which is essential in the context of indirect strategies implemented to create conditions for regime change and make evolve the Iranian nation towards federalism market.

Asked about its sources PMOI said to involve the private sector provider of strategic information, including free market in satellite images. Thus, the first revelations about Iran’s nuclear program, on August 14, 2002, were published by the channel of Ali Reza Jafarzadeh, an analyst assigned to the Fox News Channel and a member of the People’s Mujahedeen. Similarly Ali Safavi, also a member of the People’s Mujahedeen, who created, the Near East Policy Research, in London in 2003 and whose programs are focused on "human rights, regional threats such as terrorism and nuclear proliferation, the spread of religious extremism, the construction of democracy and economic challenges,” said in August 2002 in Vienna, at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),where shots on satellite images relating Iranian facilities has given the kickoff of the campaign against Iran since that date to today. International Campaign on the Iranian nuclear program, all constituting a potentially explosive could lead to "war" according to the French Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Dr. Kouchner, in September 2007!

Still, since December 3, 2007 and the NIE report, it is permissible to assume that these revelations about the offensive nature of Iran’s nuclear program could have been an element of manipulation among other active measures, initiated as part of an ambitious plan to destabilize the Islamic Republic. As previously mentioned, in the hypotheses of regime change in Iran, PMOI could be called to occupy a certain place – at least in the transition phase – the construction of a federal Iran, one organic ideas of the "Constitution" internal movement.

As a military organization (behind the scene of the political showcase more familiar for European officials), and like the PKK, PMOI remains clearly one of the assets available to the U.S. in their hidden war for the destabilizing of Iranian power. It is obviously not a mere academic speculation, but a geopolitical trend recorded in the long term contemporary and we see here and now effects, with evidence of the remarkable efficiency with which the U.S. Administration demonstrated in the case of the Balkans: in fact it only took fifteen years to complete, with the independence of Kosovo in February 2008, the dismantling of the Yugoslav Federation, a regional power and former purveyor of weapons of ‘Baathist Iraq.

PMOI, though deprived of its rear-advanced base in Iraqi territory, nonetheless an asset, an important card provided because of its organization and its penetration to the establishment Western European and North American ( regardless of the Ashraf camp wound properly, that is to say, in a timely manner according to the agenda of the Department of State) because it is expected to play a role similar to that of the Iraqi National Congress that Washington was instrumented in order to justify its invasion of Iraq in 2003. Irrespective of the fact that the May 7, 2009, one hundred and three MEPs from 24 Member States of the EU had sent a message to President Obama to ask him to imitate the European example by removing People’s Mujahedeen of Iran from the list of terrorist organizations. – Translated by Nejat Society

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