The Third View on MKO during 2009

MEK Terror Group to Leave Iraq Juan Cole
Iraq to expel Iran rebels as it takes over camp from US AFP
Iraq plans to close Iranian dissidents’ border camp Guardian
Iraq to close camp for Iranian dissidents and expel inmates Irish Times
Inside view: You have to be totally dedicated Guardian
Ryan Crocker pointed out US designated the PMOI as terrorists Associated Press
Iranian Militant MeK Group Losing Fight to Stay in Iraq Fox
Mojahedin Khalq Suicide operative arrested in Iraq Buratha News
The story of a brainwashed mother Klasse kampen
Iraq Accuses Iranian Exiles of Plotting Attack Washington Post
Iraq: To Close Camp Ashraf
PMOI terror cult a much bigger threat to Eu than al-Qaeda Stephiblog
Iran devising plan to try Mojahedin Khalq members presstv
Iranian Resistance Group a Source of Contention in Iraq The Time
EU Takes Iranian Group Off Terror List, But Status Still Disputed Radio Free Europe
France files appeal against”Mujahedin Khalq Organization”terrorists Indymedia-Letzebuerg
Iran Group to Stay on U.S. Terror List Wall Street Journal
Europe may find itself providing refuge for MKO Terrorists Los Angeles Times
BND report calls NCRI a Stalinistic “fake parliament” Tehran Times
MKO’s Removal From EU Terror List Draws Mixed Reactions Radio Free Europe
Iranian asks France’s independence on MKO group Arabic News
US not to follow EU on MKO Press TV
Belgian MP: PMOI is a sect
Iran Group in Iraq Poses Thorny Issue for U.S. The Time
Ex-member says MEK is like a cult The National
The MKO movement is in decline Agnezia Radicale
PMOI-NCRI: The Siamese twins of terror! Geostratos
PMOI crows … but probably not for long! Geostratos
Iranian Exiles, Iraq Govt Trade Accusations over Camp Iraq updates
Iran angry over EU exclusion of MKO from terror list Religious Intelligence
Russian expert: Europe using terrorism for political purposes IRNA
MKO’s violence originated in its theory Structure Al Motammar
UK Justice Secretary: MKO remains terrorist IRNA
Bulgaria Terms MKO Terrorist Fars News Agency
Controversial freedom fighters Wiener Zeitungat
Washington may court moderates WITHIN Iran UPI
Should the MEK Stay or Should it Go?
Iran pushes Iraq to close MKO camp Christian Science Monitor
Iraq wants Iranian opposition out
Iran Exile Group in Line for Huge Cash Windfall CQ Politics
Is Iran’s MEK a Threat to the Islamist Regime? James Town Foundation
Mojahedin Khalq had taken over a building belonging to the Iraqi army Asharq al-Awsat
Iraqi Forces Blockading Iranian Opposition Camp VOA
Hosted by terrorists?
The US’s position on the disposition of Camp Ashraf Department of State
Iranian opposition members refuse to leave Iraq outpost Christian Science Monitor
Iranian dissidents in Iraq. Where will they all go? Economist
An Anti-Iranian Enclave in Iraq Fights to Stay The Time
CIA to relocate Mojahedin Khalq HQ to UAE Nahrain Net
Iranian group in Iraq part of high-stakes politics Associated Press
Terrorists living among us Charles Kent
Seven plead guilty to raising funds for Terrorist MKO Los Angeles Times
No evidence of ill-treatment against MKO returnees UK Parliament
ACLU claims U.S. supported PMOI UPI
“Faust”and”MKO” Al-Qabas
US “War on Terror” Not About Terrorism Fogcityjournal By Fanny Dassie
Britons support PMOI in letter to Obama UPI
Red Cross repatriates 260 Iran rebels;MKO from Iraq AFP
Iran nuclear leaks ‘linked to Israel’ Asia Times By Gareth Porter
James Longley on his ‘MEK and US Relations’ Link TV
Terror campaign supported by US
Iraqi official denies MKO camp under siege Al-Arabiya
USA support for MKO-Jundallah terrorism Middle East Online
Communist Terrorist Television for Dupes Paul shedon Foote
In Iran Crisis, Paris Exile Group Plays Disputed Role The Time
The curious case of Iran’s Mujahedin Guardian
Democracy As Usual in Iran Post Global
Tension Grows Over Plans to Close Camp Ashraf Christian Science Monitor
Elements of Mojahedin organization in Tehran Riots Al-Hayat
MKO role in a Color Revolution The peoples voice
A debate over Camp Ashraf UK Parliament
The MEK and the Iranian Protests AllVoices
Court not recognized MEP’s right whose links to MKO exposed by Expresso RTP TV
MEK; traitors in the eyes of most Iranians Charles Davis
Richard Armitage criticized US dual policies toward MKO terrorists Fars News Agency
Iraqi Police Storm Ashraf – Iraq police clash anew with Iran rebel camp residents AFP
Iraqi Police Storm Ashraf – Fighting Continues at Camp for Iran Exiles Washington Post
Iraqi Police Storm Ashraf – Iraqi troops seize Iranian exiles’ camp AFP
Iraqi Police Storm Ashraf – US ‘Not Happy’ as Iraq Announces Plans to Close MEK Camp Anti War
Who are the MKO and why did Iraqi forces storm their camp? Christian Science Monitor
LA Times : Iraq says raid on militant group’s camp wasn’t Iran’s idea Los Angeles Times
Diala police commander: Iraqi forces control Camp Ashraf without any violence Aswat al-Iraq
France Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We consider MKO as terrorists France Embassy in UK
Iraq right to impose control over territory Gulf News
35 Iranian dissidents sent to Baghdad for questioning AFP
Iraq governor says detained 36 Iranian exiles Reuters
U.S. seeks to protect Iran terror group Washington Times
Reuters:Iraq says Iranian exiles not allowed to stay Reuters
Police general, analyst discuss Iraqi takeover of camp Ashraf Al-Araghiah
The raid to Ashraf could leave Iran cheering Reza Aslan
Washington wants to write off the Mujahedin-e Khalq Voltairenet
MEK: The Peril of Paradox in American Middle East Policy Mark Dankof
Camp Ashraf The New York Times
The Continuing Story of Camp Ashraf Dissident Voice
As US Eases Out, Iraq Takes Control of Terrorist Camp Associated Press
MEK as Human bargaining chips in deals with Iran Reuters
Inept at Both Killing and Coddling Terrorists Common Dreams
U.S. will stick to plan for Iraq pullout Reuters
Camp Ashraf – Mojahedin Khalq – UK says Geneva Convention does not apply UK Parliament
Dr. Rowan William support for Saddam’s Private army Middle East Online
Mojahedin Khalq in increasing desperation Arabic Media
36 MKO members now face new charges in Iraq Aswat al-Iraq
36 detained Mojahedin members will be deported from Iraq but not to Iran Associated Press
Iraqi official: 36 Mojahedin members released but their deportation order stands Associated Press
British Ambassador to Tehran: London has no respect for MKO ISNA
MKO members to be relocated from Iraq UK Parliament
Sarkozy proposed transport to MKO terrorists Planet non-violence
How ‘Terrorists’ Become ‘Freedom Fighters’ AllVoices
Dr. Paul Sheldon Foote on the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Republican Broadcasting Network
Dissident Iranians Live In Limbo In Iraq NPR
European countries urged to host PMOI Aswat al-Iraq
Tensions in Iranian Exile Camp Ashraf in Iraq The New York Times
NIAC issues statement against MKO misinformation campaign NIAC
Muthanna provincial council refused the transfer of Camp Ashraf to Samawah Arabic Media
France-Iran: the people’s Mujahedin in a vise Le Figaro
Who Is Hassan Daioleslam? Iran Press Service
Maysan Council refuses to take PMOI base in the province Aswat al-Iraq
Saddamist lobby’s lies exposed in U.K. parliament UK Parliament
Iran, Iraq and People’s Mojahedin of Iran Jean-Michel Vernochet
Britain says MKO in Camp Ashraf subject to Iraqi law UK Parliament
Spanish court judgment about MKO should be local Aswat al-Iraq
Maliki: No place for the Mojahedin Khalq in Iraq Al-Forat
MKO terrorist leader in Norwegian Parliament TV 2 Nyhetene
Become acquainted with a sect called MKO Trond Ali linstad
Nuri al-Maliki: Iraq to move Mojahedin Khalq to remote south Reuters
Iraq to transfer Iranian dissident group to Baghdad AFP
Media invited to witness MKO transfer from Camp Ashraf next Tuesday Wasat online
U.S. respects any Iraqi decision on MKO members UPI
France respects Iraqi sovereignty, supports dismantlement of Camp Ashraf France Senate
U.S. recognizes Iraq sovereignty over entire territory including Camp Ashraf US State Departement
MKO;Iran ex-rebels defy police orders to quit Iraq camp AFP
Iraq orders MKO to vacate Camp Ashraf Washington Post
Iraqi MPs support the transfer of Mojahedin Khalq to Baghdad Aswat al-Iraq
PMOI relocation voluntary, Iraq says UPI
Nuri al-Maliki: Iraq no conduit for Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists Alsumaria TV

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