Al-Masar television presented a one hour live discussion on the topic ‘people want Monafeqin Khalq terrorists out of Iraq’. (The term Monafeqin is a religious term meaning hypocrites and is the preferred name among Muslims for the Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq cult.)

Guests, Mrs Ahlam al-Maliki, head of the Baghdad based humanitarian NGO Baladiyeh Foundation and Anne Singleton, leading expert on the Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist cult from Iran-Interlink in the UK, took part in the one hour live programme.
Presenter Dr. Qeis al-Atwani described the problems caused by having this foreign terrorist group left in Iraq after the removal of the group’s former mentor Saddam Hussein in 2003..
The programme focused on the efforts of the Iraqi government to effect the removal of the group from Iraq. The Mojahedin-e Khaq was clearly responsible for thousands upon thousands of deaths among the Iraqi population, including the Anfal and the suppression of the Kurdish and Shiite uprisings following the 1991 First Gulf War. Iraqis across the political, religious and tribal spectrum bitterly resent that the Americans failed to deal properly with the group and that it was allowed to attempt to interfere in the democratisation process which has produced three freely elected governments since 2003.
Anne Singleton replied to viewers’ concerns that the group must be removed immediately. She told viewers they must step aside from their understandable anger and allow their government to take actions which will reflect well on their new democratic government. Rather than looking for quick political solutions which would inevitably involve more bloodshed – because this is what Mojahedin leader Massoud Rajavi wants – the government should involve groups like Iran-Interlink and the Baladiyeh Foundation to provide an effective and humanitarian outcome for the problem.
Al-Masar television