MKO from TTL to third countries

Tough road ahead of Mojahedin Khalq, MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult in Iraq

Temporary Transit Location (TTL), which is going to be the only camp of MeK in Iraq, may be an end for the painful life of each member of this terrorist cult that Rajavi has imposed to them.

Over the next few months, Camp Ashraf will be completely blocked and its residents, whether they want or not, will be resettled in the TTL as Refugees- not Mujahedeen-e Khalq, or any other name.

However, the MerK’s obstruction and turbulence is still ongoing, so every moment it is expected from the terrorist group’s leadership to adopt new positions.

25. Dec. 2011, that is considered a turning point and qualitative topic in the project of closing the MeK case in Iraq, now, with transfer of the other Camp Ashraf residents to the TTL, is entering a new phase of its developments.

The existing evidences indicate that, although, European countries, U.S and the Zionist Regime already have made the most of the MeK, but, considering the terrorist cult a serious threat to the security of their citizens, almost none of them are willing to accept its members in their territory.

Philip Giraldy, former CIA agent, in his recent article about the MeK’s departure from camp Ashraf and final destination of its members, (the Mujahidin Khalq’s Useful Idiots) which was inserted on the Antiwar website, says: "…There might be some problem in arranging the move, as few countries want to take the MEK supporters, fearing that they would have to be deprogrammed from their brainwashing."

Also, according to the Habilian Foundation website (families of Iranian victims of terror), Antonio Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, on March 3 2012 in a meeting with Shia Soudani, the Iraq’s Minister of Human Rights, announced the UNHCR’s opposition with the granting asylum to terrorist group’s members.

At the meeting that was held in Geneva, Guterres said: "The UNHCR does not give asylum to groups, but it will be given only to individuals, if they quit violence."

So, MeK Have a tough road ahead from TTL to European countries. Renounce of violence and rejection of the sectarian organization is the first and the most important step to pass this arduous path.

Considering what was said above, UN, UNHCR, and ICRC can play the influential and unprecedented role to avoid turning the Temporary Transit Location to a new camp for more brainwashing of its residents by the MeK’s leadership and its gang leaders.

By Seyed Hojjat Seyed Ismaili, former member of the MeK’s central council

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