Home » Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force » The MEK portrayed 9/11 as the American imperialism crumbling

The MEK portrayed 9/11 as the American imperialism crumbling

The irony of Americans attending MEK conferences and supporting Maryam Rajavi and the NCRI.

Did you know that the MEK and especially it’s leadership, not only didn’t mourn the September 11, 2001 attacks on the Twin Towers, which took the lives of thousands of innocent Americans, but rather celebrated it. I know because I was in the MEK at the time. Let me tell you about it.

It was the afternoon of September 11th, 2001. We, the majority of MEK members had gathered in Bagherzadeh Camp near Baghdad because annual meetings were being held with MEK leadership. That afternoon we were playing soccer on the pitch during sports time, when several commanders rushed outside from the buildings and yelled “the American imperialism is crumbling”!

Our commander quickly explained that the Twin Towers had been targeted by airplanes and they were up in smokes.
We all quickly rushed to the cafeteria where large projection screens had been set up and the live news from Aljazeera and CNN was being broadcasted. Every time the scenes of the planes crashing into the towers were shown, the crowd cheered and clapped. That evening celebrations began. Loud music and dancing as sweets were distributed (an Iranian tradition when people receive good news). We danced until late night as the scenes of the towers crumbling were being broadcasted in the background.

We, especially the young members, had been indoctrinated that American imperialism was a “paper tiger” (a term coined by Chinese Communist Party founder Mao Zedong) and that it would one day crumble from within. And the MEK portrayed 9/11 as that day. The beginning of the fall of American imperialism. It’s important to note that Rajavi always insisted that the Islamic Republic is our tactical enemy and American imperialism is our strategic enemy.

The next day the entire MEK rank had a meeting with Masoud and Maryam Rajavi. As we sat in the meeting hall, which held almost 3000 MEK members, the Rajavis were sitting behind a wide desk on stage. On both sides of the stage were large projector screens, which were broadcasting live news and rerunning the scenes of the towers crumbling. Masoud Rajavi was very quiet during those moments, but Maryam Rajavi was smiling and clapping as the audience cheered on.

Every time I see an American politician meeting with Maryam Rajavi, this scenes comes to my mind and I think to myself: if only they were with us on that day and saw Rajavi’s smile as all those innocent people fell to their deaths.

Shame on any American who openly supports the MEK and it’s deceiving, corrupt and criminal leader Maryam Rajavi.

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