The Third View on MKO during 2008 TheThird View on MKO during 2008
Iran’s Nuclear Program Never Existed New America Media, News Analysis, William O. Beeman
Re: Letter from Mr. Paulo Casaca, MEP, to the Canadian Government Centre for Thought, Dialogue and Human Rights in Iran “ Toronto (CTDHR),
Britain accused of failing to outlaw banned terror groups The Time Richard Beeston, Diplomatic Editor of The Times, and Zahid Hussain
Symposium on Terrorism in Iraq Centre for International and Inter-governmental Studies of the University of Baghdad
Javad Firuzmand interviewed by Mehrdad Farahmand BBC Persian
Key figures in the Israel lobbies support a terrorist group that has fired on US troops Danny Postel
Massoud Khodabandeh replies and”Alseyassah”explains Alseyassah
Four Mojahedin-e Khalq combatants arrested in Iraq SINAN SALAHEDDIN, The Associated Press
British Government fights to keep ban on main Iranian opposition group (MKO) Clare Dyer, legal editor The Guardian
CIA budget to supply and train MKO(Proscribed as a terrorist organisation in US!) in Iraq Daily Telegraph
The Irony of ‘Appeasement’ Diary Entry by Dan Alba
POLITICS: Iran Nuke Laptop Data Came from Terror Group By Gareth Porter-IPS
The presence of MKO terrorists prohibited by Iraqi constitution By Tina Susman and Borzou Daragahi, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
Raymond Tanter’s Quest to Free Iran Will Sommer – georgetownvoice
Bush,Iran and Bomb Eric Laurent
Nazi Biglari’s interview with Rayan Crocker VOA
UNHCR deplores refugee expulsion by Turkey which resulted in four deaths UNHCR Press Releases
MKO terrorist organisation predicts … George Arnold, The Arkansas Democrat Gazette
Terror Most Imperial Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
Iran Busts CIA-Backed Terror Group Paul Joseph Wattson-Prison Planet
MKO cries wolf again over Camp Ashraf Media With Conscience – Dan Alba
Anniversary of Raid on a Sect The Observor
Spy-Agents of An EP Intergroup THE HERALED
Atlas of Radical Islam Xavier Rauf
Iraqis demand US hands over control of MKO terrorist base Al-Araghiah
Mojahedin Khalq Leader on trial in USA Associated Press
Mujahedin Khalq out of Iraq, into Britain Francis Elliott, Deputy Political Editor –The Time
Britain’s Immoral Support of Terrorists Paul shedon Foote
IPC: Terrorist Financial Involvement Paul shedon Foote
US funding anti-Iran terror groups inthenews
Military action ‘would destabilise Iraq’ Patrick Cockburn-The Independent
MKO provokes violence in Iraq Voice of Iraq
Crown makes its case against Iranian refugee Vancouver Sun
Iranian widow must go to trial in NY Associated Press
How Obama Could Tame Iran News week
The Risk of a US-Iran Proxy War NIAC
America Is Already Committing Acts of War Against Iran Scott Ritter
PMOI obstacle to peace UPI
MKO Terrorists Driving American Foreign Policy Constance Tanter
CIA actively supporting Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists George Arnold
The lies of Hiroshima live on Guardian
The issues of PMOI and mass graves. Voice of Iraq
IPC: Pentagon or Terrorist Funding? Paul shedon Foote
Iran mulls repatriation for MKO members BBC Monitoring
Iraq Expels Anti-Iranian Group
So What to Do with Those Mujahedin Terrorists? Washington Times
The secretary of US embassy exposed PMOI leadership Fars News Agency-The Second secretary of US embassy
PMOI Members are no ‘freedom fighters’ Tobias Pflüger
Holy Fighters in the Sidewalk DerStandard
German Greens say no to Mojahedin Khalq Press TV
Italy considers PMOI as terrorist Group ISNA
MKO implicated in AMIA bombing The Canadian Jewish News
Iraq says Iranian opposition exiles must leave Reuters
Iraq vows to expel Iranian opposition group AFP
Iraq Threatens to Expel Iranian Rebels Washington Post
Unpardonable Neoconservative Treason Paul shedon Foote

Baghdad not willing to give shelter to MKO

George Malbrunot, special Le Figaro correspondent

Iraq to take over security control at Iranian opposition camp


Iraq seeks departure of Iranian opposition exiles Reuters News


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