MKO members’ families call for their children release

A conference was held in which a large number of MEK members’ families attended .In the gathering, which was held by Nejat Society, Eastern Azarbayjan branch, besides the families, a number of former members of MKO and members of Nejat Society as well as Mr.Yazdchi the attorney general of Revolutionary Court of Tabriz were present and addressed the audiences.

After a brief report on Nejat Society activities stated by a member of the NGO, he declared the way MKO leaders deal with families who are willing to visit their beloveds. Mr. Yazdchi through his speech offered sympathy to families.

He appreciated the philanthropic activities of Nejat NGO and asked the authorities and the families to cooperate more and more.

In addition, Nejat members promised the families to facilitate their visits with their children and according to the agreements made with Iraqi authorities, on MEK affairs, a group of family members could travel to Iraq to visit their children in near future.

During the meeting, Mr. Sajadi Afsari a defector who has recently returned to Iran talk to the families.

Besides, through this gathering the families made a statement calling international communities for aid to release their loved ones:

"Republic of IRAQ Embassy in Tehran

SWITZERLAND Embassy in Tehran

ENGLAND Embassy in Tehran

RED CROSS office in Tehran

Dear Sirs,

Through this letter we declare that our children are captured incamp ASHRAF in IRAQ and are under pressure by the terrorist group MOJAHEDIN KHALG

We would like to request international communities and IRAQ government to make the leaders of group leave their country and give a chance of freedom to our children. We also ask Iranian authorities to offer amnesty to the captured members of MKO,as before so that we could return our children home easily."

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