Meeting a suffering family

Over a decade ago, Ahmad and Amin Talavati were recruited by the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ PMOI/ the Cult of Rajavi) in Turkey. They were actually deceived by the MKO agents and taken as hostages in the group’s base in Iraq, Camp Ashraf. They are in the group’s camp in Tirana, Albania, now, without any access to the free world, particularly with their families.

The suffering family of Talavati brothers made efforts to help their beloveds release from the Cult of Rajavi as soon as they found out that they got trapped in the group. They traveled to Iraq several times. They are still hopeful.

My brothers have been imprisoned by the MKO traitors for near 15 years

In a meeting with Nejat Society, Gilan office, Akbar Talavati condemned the recent act of the MKO to transfer his brothers to the remote camp Menza outside Tirana. “My brothers have been imprisoned by the MKO traitors for near 15 years. We got to know that they seek to get released from the Rajavis’ hands. I only need to have a short visit with them in order to aid them leave the group and to bring the good news of their salvation for my awaiting parents.“

Nejat society officials and Talavati family discussed ways for communication between suffering families and their loved ones in Albania including appeals to human rights and international bodies.

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