At the invitation of the Nejat Society Albania, Ms. Naime Gjongecaj, a politician and activist of human rights and women’s rights, as well as a candidate for parliamentary representation from the Democratic Party, on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 6 pm, was present at the office of the representative of Nejat Society in Tirana as the first guest after the opening. While visiting the villa of the representative office, she discussed and exchanged opinions with the officials of this society.
In this visit, Mr. Sarfaraz Rahimi, Mr. Khalil Ansarian, and Mr. Ebrahim Moradi, as well as Mrs. Erisa Rahimi and Mrs. Mirlinda Ansarian were present and each of them gave detailed explanations. The message of Ebrahim Khodabandeh, the CEO of Nejat Society, was given a to Ms. Gjongecaj in this meeting, and in return, she sent a message that: “I will do everything I can to help you and the families and the former members, and I would never fail.” She promised to use all her capacities in parliament and other political and media circles to introduce the cause of the families.

Ms. Naime Gjongecaj at the Nejat office of Albania
In this meeting, Ms. Gjongecaj pointed out that she was greatly influenced by the speeches of Mother Soraya Abdollahi at the meeting of the Nejat Society held in Tirana on March 8 this year. She said that she was deeply affected by Ms. Abdollahi’s words, so that the tears in her eyes have not dried since that day.
Ms. Naime Gjongecaj added in the meeting with the officials of the representative office of the Nejat Society in Tirana that “with our cooperation, we can secure the release of the captives in the Manez camp and make the hearts of mothers and families happy.” She pledged to be the voice of the mothers and families as well as the trapped members of the MEK in Albania and bring it to the public opinion of the Albanian people.
Nejat Society Albania