Home » Mujahedin Khalq Organization members' families » Badali family congrats the victory of 42 MEK ex-members against the group leaders

Badali family congrats the victory of 42 MEK ex-members against the group leaders

Amir Badali family celebrate his birthday without him

Amir Badali family

Amir Badali, from Tabriz, Iran, left home in September, 2003 and he never got back. It took his family several years to get to know that Amir was in the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MEK/ MKO/ PMOI/ Cult of Rajavi). They were only able to see the picture of their beloved Amir in the sports programs or vocal groups of the MEK via its TV channel. They have not visited Amir for 18 years.

In his absence, the Badalis celebrate Amir’s birthday with a photo of him, every year. The entire family including Amir’s nieces and nephews are looking forward to visiting Amir. This year, they shared photos of Amir’s birthday with Nejat Society.

Amir Badali family

“We are hopeful and we pray for Amir to release himself from the cult, just like other ex-members did,’’ Somayeh Badali, Amir’s sister said at the on-line conference held by Nejat Society last month.

Amir Badali family

Congratulating the victory of 42 ex-members of the MEK who succeeded to submit their petition against the leaders of the Cult of Rajavi, she added, “We just got familiar with Nejat Society and we got so happy to hear about Amir. I hope that we get better news about him in the coming days.”

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