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Afghan Refugees in Albania – Recruitment Fodder for the MEK

Afghan Refugees in Albania

Albania’s Prime Minister, Edi Rama, has welcomed 457 Afghan refugees in the country. They will be housed in Durres. America chose Albania to temporarily house these refugees, some of whom are destined for America. The Afghans will be vetted before being accepted in the US. Those who don’t make the grade will be settled in Albania.

Albania is notorious as the backyard for US dirty work – a hub for financing, recruitment and training and dispatching ‘good’ terrorists. That’s why the terrorist cult Mojahedin Khalq (MEK) is based there. The MEK, a mercenary force, is paid for propaganda and misinformation campaigns online and for hosting rallies and conferences with paid speakers, to skew and toxify the political narrative on Iran.

The newly arrived Afghan refugees who speak Farsi are ripe for recruitment by the MEK. They can be used to bulk out the audience at Maryam Rajavi’s fake gatherings. They can be used in the click farm at the MEK camp in Durres. They can be trained over the coming year or so, to replace some of the older MEK members in North America and Europe.

As the following article reveals, this influx of Afghan refugees is not without its critics among the Albanian public. Albanians have every right to look suspiciously on American plans for these refugees.

Afghan Refugees in Albania – Recruitment Fodder for the MEK. Albania divided over hosting US-bound Afghan refugees

Afghan Refugees in Albania

Albania Praised for Sheltering 457 Afghan Refugees so Far


Exit News, Tirana, Albania
Link to the source

There are now 457 Afghan refugees in Albania following the arrival of the fourth and fifth planes yesterday.

The refugees are being processed, medically evaluated, and having needs assessments done before being settled at dormitories in Student City, or hotels in Durres.

Prime Minister Edi Rama welcomed the refugees and noted that Albania’s decision to house them is being spoken of with admiration in the international community. He said it reflects the faith and respect Albanians have for memory, tradition, and self.

Finally a touchdown! @NEDemocracy, @NDI, @IRIglobal, and @CIPEglobal & score of other helpers…we finally did it!!! More #Afghan activists & dependants are now safe and no longer in peril. Proud and thankful that a WB country, #Albania 🇦🇱, has offered a safe haven. pic.twitter.com/AAVskth05t

— Tanja Dramac (@DRamacT) August 29, 2021

Yesterday, the Associate Director of Europe at the International Foundation for Democracy, Tanja Dramac, thanked Albania for hosting Afghan citizens.

She expressed her gratitude and added:

“We did it. More of our Afghan activists are now safe and no longer in danger. Proud and grateful that a country like Albania has offered a safe haven.”

Great to welcome 2 more planes from Kabul carrying 154 Afghans, incl women of all professions, journalists, activists, children. Pleased to work w/@ediramaal @RepSlotkin @SpiritAmerica @VitalVoices @YaldaHakimFund @SchmidtFutures to bring people out of harm’s way. Thank you, 🇦🇱 ! pic.twitter.com/NfscCg0KZg

— Ambassador Yuri Kim (@USAmbAlbania) August 28, 2021

US Ambassador Yuri Kim was also present when refugees arrived. She gave a special welcome to women, journalists, activists, and children

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