Home » Mujahedin Khalq Organization members' families » POW Saeid Farajollah Hosseini – Family demand access to Albanian prison camp

POW Saeid Farajollah Hosseini – Family demand access to Albanian prison camp

Faezeh Balali

Faezeh Balali from Sweden asks Maryam Rajavi to allow Saeid Farajollah Hosseini to meet his uncle

In the following video Faezeh Balali an Iranian – Swedish citizen who is in Albania shows her struggle to meet her nephew Saeid Farajollah Hosseini who is being held as slave soldier by Maryam Rajavi and the Mujahedin command since when he was captured as prisoner of war by Saddam Hossein during the Iran – Iraq war.

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The Mujahedin are using the Albanian antiterrorism police to intimidate and stop Faezeh and her husband Rezaei Mohammad Hassan from meeting her nephew. Faezeh declares that she is going to sue the Mujahedin and ask them to legally allow her nephew to meet with his uncle and his wife. In the video Faezeh reminds Saeid of his youth, his memories with Faezeh’s son, the plight of his mother to come to Albania and meet him. She appeals to Albanian authorities to open the camp and allow families to meet their relatives and children which are being kept as slave soldiers inside the Mujahedin camp in Manez, Albania.

Dr. Olsi Jazexhi, YouTube

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