Two former members of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ PMOI/ the Cult of Rajavi) visited the officials of the UN High Commissioners for Refugees.
On Tuesday February 20, Ghorban Ali Hosseinnezhad and Davoud Baghervand as founders of “NO to Terrorism and Cults” association visited the UNHCR authorities in the central office of the commissioners in Geneva. The two MKO defectors discussed the situation of the refugees who have recently left the MKO in Tirana, Albania.

They appreciated the UNHCR’s taking action to pay the refugees’ monthly payment independently excluding the MKO authorities from confiscating the defectors’ money.
As former high ranking members of the MKO cult, Hossseinnejad and Baghervand gave testimonies on what they underwent and witnessed in the oppressive system ruling the MKO and warned the authorities about the critical situation of those who are still in the group. They described the physical, mental and financial pressure that the MKO leaders impose on their member as if they are their hostages.
Hosseinnejad asserted that the actions of the human rights bodies will not be effective unless the hostages of the MKO’s cult-like system are informed of their basic human rights and are able to decide for their future with their own free will. So the HCR authorities should visit the MKO hostages regularly and ensure them that HCR supports them in any case. ”they are bombarded with disinformation about the UNHCR and the free world as the world of capitalism and bourgeoisie,” Hosseinnejad told the authorities.
The authorities of the UNHCR promised to inquire the situation of the current members of the MKO as well as the defectors of the group.